Arann News

May 2012

Dear Friends,

A lot has been happening since we last wrote in January. There have been encouragments and challenges in equal measure. Just last night we had about 8 visitors to our midweek service. That was such a blessing as a good number of our own were not there for various reasons.





The Calendar outreach went very well as we distributed 3,700 calendars to the homes in the Shankill area.


We will be back out on the doors tomorrow, God willing, as we have received a batch of 10,000 tracts that we are looking forward to using.


Please pray for a lady called Tina who is reading the gospel of John at the moment and we hope to call and see her tomorrow.




We were away in Scotland for a few days and had a wonderful time of fellowship and encouragement with the believers there. We truly felt like Elijah being ministered to by Angels. If God loves a cheerful giver he must truly love the Saints in that place.


We also joined with the believers in Partick on the Saturday evening for what they call “comunnion season”. I was asked to “present” two of the psalms which was a great honour indeed.


On the Lord’s day evening we met with our host’s church in Stewerton. We were blessed by the ministry in the morning and I was asked to preach at the evening service.



Please continue to pray for the church in Limerick as they seek the Lord in the days ahead. We were back down there a few weeks ago and had a blessed time with the church at their midweek service.


Elders and Deacons.


At present I am still the only Elder in the church. This is something that we hope to see change in the near future. please pray that we will have the wisdom that only God can give in this regard.


Also we want to see at least one Deacon Ordained.




Little Grace Reilly was born right on time back in February. I think Joe and Adetoun are starting to get some full nights sleep now.


Dave R. continues to have severe pain with his lower back. please pray that he might get some relief and that the doctors might know how to help him.


Sermon Audio.


We are continuing to broadcast our sermons on the Sermon Audio site which can be found at . It is encouraging when we receive emails from folk who said they have listened and been blessed by one of the sermons.




I have been told of the prospect of some part time secular work, maybe two days a week. It is our long term hope to be free full time in the ministry but for the moment I might have to take this on. please continue to pray with us in this area also.



Mark Fitzpatrick. {Pastor, Arann Reformed Baptist Church}


Contact Details.


8 Hillview Grove,


Dublin 16,



Ph: 00353 86266 7070


Ps: If any of you do not wish to continue receiving this report please let me know. Thank you!