Five Reason Why We MUST Retain the Eight Amendment – Leaflet
As we said in a previous post we planned to print leaflets regarding abortion in light of the upcoming referendum (possibly taking place 25th May 2018). Recently we printed 20,000 leaflets with the title, ‘Five Reason Why We MUST Retain the Eight Amendment’. We endeavoured to have the Scripture permeated throughout the 5 points, so […]
What is abortion?
Five Reasons Why we MUST retain the Eighth Amendment Dear reader, the following is our appeal to you to consider the reality of abortion. We do not share these things because we think we are superior and know what’s best because of our own good will, but because we follow what is the moral […]
The Irish Government seeks to introduce Abortion into Ireland
On September seventh 1983 the Irish people voted the “Eighth Amendment” into its constitution. The wording of the amendment reads, “The state acknowledges the right to life of the unborn and, with due regard to the life of the mother, guarantees in its laws to respect, and, as far as practicable, by its laws to […]
James White and Yasir Qadhi
DIALOGUE or INTERFAITH CO-OPERATION? A critique of the recent Dialogue between Dr James White and Dr Yasir Qadhi by Mark Fitzpatrick On the 24th and 25th of January 2017 a two-part dialogue was conducted between Dr James White of Alpha and Omega ministries and Dr Yasir Qadhi who is the Resident Scholar of the Memphis […]
Don’t expect a perfect repentance
“This is a helpful and balanced perspective on the issue of genuine repentance. On the one hand easy believism is to be rejected, and on the other perfectionism is also to be carefully avoided” Pastor Mark Fitzpatrick