As we said in a previous post we planned to print leaflets regarding abortion in light of the upcoming referendum (possibly taking place 25th May 2018).

Recently we printed 20,000 leaflets with the title, ‘Five Reason Why We MUST Retain the Eight Amendment’. We endeavoured to have the Scripture permeated throughout the 5 points, so that the gospel would be the focal point of this debate. The following two pictures show the leaflet we printed through Beulah Print & Design, Drogheda:


Screen shot 2018-03-07 at 10.04.27 Screen shot 2018-03-07 at 09.56.02



We thank God for the support we have already received from many, who have given financially and also given of their time.


“Therefore, my beloved brethren,

be ye stedfast, unmoveable,

always abounding in the work of the Lord,

forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.”

(1 Corinthians 15:58)


If you would like to help us in our effort in any way please contact us by email: