The Eucharistic Congress event took place mainly in the RDS. in Dublin from Sunday the 10th to Sunday the 17th of June. The 2 main events were the “Opening ceremony” on the 10th in the RDS and the “Closing Mass” in Croke Park on the 17th.
During the course of the week, there were daily events, mainly centred in the RDS and also in various venues across Dublin city and county.
There was a Christian witness at the RDS for the opening ceremony on the 10th June. Several hundred of the tracts entitled “Mary The Mother of Jesus” were handed out to those attending and some of these were engaged in useful conversations.
The witness continued at the RDS (Simmonscourt entrance) over the course of the week. The “Mary” tract was distributed and there was an encouraging level of acceptance of this tract. There were also some good opportunities for conversation and debate.
Over the course of the week, approximately 7,000 of these tracts were received by the Roman Catholics. The bulk of these were handed out at the “Closing Mass” event on Sunday the 17th. Around 150 Richard Bennett testimony CDs were also handed out at Croke Park and eagerly accepted.
Attendance figures were 10,000 to 11,000 each day at the RDS, and approx. 75,000 at the Closing ceremony.