Title: School of Theology 2-4 July 2013
Location: London Metropolitan Tabernacle
Link out: Click here
Description: This year brings the 38th ­annual School of Theology at the Tabernacle, with very many pastors, Christian workers and church officers attending, and younger people seeking a more biblical and committed style of Christian life and service.
How may evangelical witness be rebuilt to reach vastly more people in our day? The answer to evangelical decline is not to be found in radical new ways of ‘doing church’, and the adoption of entertainment culture, as some claim. Worldly methods will only produce worldly churches.
The answer lies in much greater effort and prayer being invested in the ‘old paths’ and the ‘good way’. School of Theology this year is designed to stimulate the revival of authentic evangelistic preaching from throughout the Bible; also the defence of biblical methods to secure greater instrumentality, the promotion of personal witness, and the necessity of biblical separation from error and worldliness to know the blessing of the Holy Spirit.
Start Date: 2013-07-02
End Date: 2013-07-04