James White Debates

Dates & venues for the James White debates with Adnan Rashid: Tuesday 26th, 7 pm – UCD = “Quran or the Bible”. Wednesday 27th, 6 pm – Trinity College – “Jesus or Mohammed”

Maurice Roberts coming to Arann

Maurice Roberts (BA, DipTh, BD) will be preaching in Arann Reformed Baptist Church on Saturday the 3rd at 2:00 pm and Sunday the 4th of November at 11:00 am and 7:00 pm. Dr. Roberts was editor of the ‘Banner of Truth’ magazine from 1988 to 2003. All are welcome to attend. His sermons are available […]

Upcoming Events 2012

The ordination ceremony for our first deacon is on this Saturday (29th) at 2:00. Please pray that the Lord would strengthen Tom for the office and work. David Allen of TBS is speaking at Arann on Monday the 1st October on 7:30. We look forward to his annual visit.

Alpha Assessed

Saturday 11th August 2012 – Cecil Andrews of Take Heed Ministries is speaking on the Alpha course  “Alpha Assessed” Meeting starts at 2 pm – all are welcome