Where two or three are gathered together in my name…

Yesterday was our fist Lord’s day meetings in a new ( in fact our old ) meeting place. St John’s GAA club. We were blessed with our friend and brother Des Smyth preaching on Sin in the morning service and our brother Joe Reilly preaching on “works without faith is dead” from James 2 at […]

Building update

Dear friends, We will be moving out of our current building on the 20th of this month. We have confirmed that we will be able to rent a room in St John’s GAA club, Rathfarnham Dublin 16 for our Lord’s day services. We met there as a Church over five years ago. It is not […]

A meeting place

Dear friends, On the 20th of this month we will be leaving our building where we have met for the last five years. We are trying our best to find a new location to meet.  Having a building of our own to meet in has been a tremendous blessing.  We often get visitors from all […]

The Gospel goes forth

Please pray for the members of Arann as we go forth on the streets of Dublin later today to preach the Gospel. May God use our labors for His Glory. S. Benjamin Mc Intyre

Romans 1:16 – For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

Dear friends, This week we were blessed with the company of our dear friend Mr Raymond Stewart visiting from the North and his two Guests Bruce and Donald visiting from Scotland. As we handed out Gospel tracts, had conversations and Pastor Mark Fitzpatrick preached the Gospel too. Please pray the God would use our labors […]