Visitors Galore

Blessed Lord’s day here at Arann, We had nine visitors from the Netherlands, a family of four from our own Island. A sister from Ghana left her home in Letterkenny at five am to travel a four hour bus ride and then a forty minute train ride followed by a ten minute walk to worship […]

Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature

As is our custom and honor. Members of Arann were once again on the streets of Dublin sharing the Gospel, handing out tracts and having conversations and pleading with sinful people to repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ according to His Word. May God use our labors for His Glory.

Building lease

          Dear Friends and friends of Arann Reformed Baptist Church, our Landlord has informed us he wishes us to vacate the premises by the 21st of August. The Church has been meeting there for almost 5 years now and this leaves us with a real issue of what to do and […]

Open air Evangelism

It’s Thursday evening and as is our custom. The members of Arann Reformed Baptist Church were to be found on Grafton Street in Dublin City Centre.  In the pouring rain we handed out Gospel tracts and had a few conversations.  We ask for each one of you to pray for us each week as we […]

Website under construction

Dear friends, Our website is currently under going construction. It will have a new look and be up to date with all our latest news, events and activities. Thank you for your patience. S. Benjámin Mc Intyre. Church Administrator.