Baptisms and new members

Our sister Valentina Navarro from Venezuela got baptized on Saturday the 22nd March at Killiney beach. We welcomed Valentina as a full member on the Lord’s Day, 23rd March. And one week later, on the 30th March our brother Liam Redmond became a full member. And we look forward to the baptism of our sister […]

Two addresses by Graeme Craig

There will be two special addresses next Saturday the 22nd March – at 2pm on ‘The Puritans & Public Worship’ and at 3:15 pm, on ‘The Puritans & Family Worship’ by Rev Graeme Craig of Stornoway. There will be a break for refreshments between the addresses.

Street Evangelism

The street evangelism continues on Grafton St. each Thursday evening. We are seeing God’s word go forth with good effect and have made contact with many souls that are drawn to God’s marvellous light. Mark, Paul and Rowan take turns to preach the Gospel, and we ask for prayer that the word preached would have […]

Outreach in Dublin City Centre

Further to the “Snail-mail” prayer letter recently sent out where we informed some of you of plans to do regular open air outreach in Dublin City on Thursdays, I thought I would bring you up to date on how last Thursday went. We met shortly after 6.30pm in Grafton St {McDonalds} where we had a […]