“Arann” News

January 2012

Dear Friends,

I had intended to write for some weeks now about the work at “Arann”, but was unable until now. I do hope that, in the future, to be more regular with news of how things are progressing in the church. In May this year we will have been meeting together for five years. We thank God that he has sustained us thus far and we trust him for the days, and DV the years, ahead.




We have been quite busy over the last few weeks distributing 2012 calendars. About 2,000 have already been circulated in the Shankill area. We have knocked on many of the doors and handed them to our neighbours with a brief word about the church. Please pray that, as the Lord opened Lydia’s heart, he will open many hearts in Shankill to the gospel. Two of the homes that received the calendars have emailed and texted messages to thank us for the gift of the calendars. That is an encouragement to us to keep going on with this kind of work.




Recently we have been contacted by a small church in Limerick who invited me down to preach last Tuesday. A number of the members at Arann also came along. We had a good time of fellowship and left greatly encouraged by the warmth and enthusiasm of the believers there. We hope to keep in contact with them for mutual edification.


Elders and Deacons.


It is our great desire to see more men added to the oversight of the church. I meet with a number of the men once a month for a business meeting where we discuss the ongoing needs of the church. This is a good forum to gauge the spiritual maturity of the men and an opportunity for them to develop in the things of God regarding his church.




Joe and Ade Reilly are expecting their first child on the 3rd Feb. They would appreciate your prayers for the birth and for them in their new role as parents!


Dave R has been having great difficulty with his hip lately and will probably have to have an operation for a replacement.






I have been greatly encouraged by the attendance recently of Joe M. He had been away from any church for a number of years but we never gave up praying for him. He is attending all but one of the services now on a regular basis and also helping with the calendar outreach.


Sermon Audio.


We are continuing to broadcast our sermons on the Sermon Audio site which can be found at www.sermonaudio.com/arann . It is encouraging when we receive emails from folk who said they have listened and been blessed by one of the sermons.




As most of you know I finished full time secular employment back at the end of October 2011. It is our hope and desire that we can commit all our time to the work of Arann into the future. There is so much need in all the areas of church life that needs real time and energy given. We ask you to pray with us that the Lord will supply sufficient resources that will free us to this work over the long term.


All for now! May you know God’s blessings and joy in the year ahead.


Mark Fitzpatrick. {Pastor, Arann Reformed Baptist Church}


Contact Details.


8 Hillview Grove,


Dublin 16,



Ph: 00353 86266 7070


Ps: If any of you do not wish to continue receiving this report please let me know. Thank you!