Further to the “Snail-mail” prayer letter recently sent out where we informed some of you of plans to do regular open air outreach in Dublin City on Thursdays, I thought I would bring you up to date on how last Thursday went.

We met shortly after 6.30pm in Grafton St {McDonalds} where we had a time of prayer. The open air preaching began about 7.15. We then distributed between 1000 and 1100 tracts to passers by.

Also there were a number of conversations between the members of our church, {10 of us in total} and those who took the tracts. Some names to remember in prayer; Amar from Saudi Arabia. Hassan living in Dublin. {Both Muslims}. One “ex-minister” who has “lost faith”. There were others but I cannot recall their names at the moment.

If you would like to receive our monthly prayer letter please reply via the “contact form”.

In the cause of Christ’s kingdom.
Pastor Mark Fitzpatrick