The outreach in the local area of the church is continuing as a good number are taking the magazines we are distributing. We were out last Friday and Saturday. One of the men who took a copy of the magazine was Frank Bennett the brother of Richard, the converted RC priest. I know Richard would appreciate your prayers for his brother that he would bow to the Lordship of Christ for the salvation of his soul.
Please also pray for our dear brother Joe du Toit whose mother is extremely unwell at present. She is a believer but last we heard she had been in a coma but had gained some measure of consciousness.
Also remember Tom McCarrick who is to be ordained as our first deacon on the 29th of Sept.
We are looking forward to the visit of Mr Maurice Roberts the first weekend in November. He is, DV, to speak on the Saturday and Lord’s day. {3rd-4th} We will let you know when subjects have been decided for the Saturday. All subject to the will of God.